Lost my room key
Slipper spoil
Security come and kajiao during the BBQ
And on Sunday, I feel very feverish. My skin seems to be ultra-sensitive, a pat from my palm, make me feel pain. I almost vomited my lunch out, and have to force myself to eat for dinner before going back to hall. my stomach feel queer now, in hall. Pop Paracetamol like sweets, and hope things get better.
When I watched the movie, "Bridesmaid", the main character's sucky life seems to be so apt with my life. I hope next week will be better.
Mandy replied to my tweet with a quote from the movie, "When you hit rock bottom, there’s nowhere to go but up"
And hopefully, I won't come back next week and say "You know when I told you my life hit rock bottom? Well, it wasn't the worst"
I was half-jokingly saying that with all this misfortune, I might end up with a car accident instead. :(